Craig Stewart Johnson / David Howcroft / Eleanor Cully Boehringer / Graeme Hopper / Joe Murray / Jorge Boehringer
Saturday 20th May 2023 6pm - 10pm @ The Late Shows
DESIRE LINES is a group exhibition documenting the process of creating an exhibition as an artistic form. Drawing outwards from an initial meeting, artists record their experiences visiting Vane gallery to capture, track and reflect upon this process. Trails of material emerge and dovetail, moving back and forth between Newcastle and Gateshead, and merge toward a collective assembly on 20th May 2023.
NOTHING HERE NOW BUT THE SOUND(S) was a preparatory performance event that took place at Vane on 23rd February. Performances were captured by archivist David Howcroft, in addition to individual journeys to and from the gallery. The performance has been archived as part of ‘N-Aut’, in keeping with the process of the archival project. The journeys and a copy of the performance have been posted to musician Joe Murrary to create a new sound work for DESIRE LINES at The Late Shows.
The upcoming exhibition will feature connected and collaborative elements of sound installation and performance, accompanied by archival and visual works by Craig Stewart Johnson, David Howcroft, Eleanor Cully Boehringer, Graeme Hopper, Joe Murray and Jorge Boehringer. These artists are all active in the DIY experimental arts and music scene, occasionally referred to as the ‘no-audience underground’. This rhizomatic scene advocates improvisation, collaboration and an openness to experimental forms, characteristics which weave their way into the processes and work of DESIRE LINES.